Monday, October 4, 2010

Still counting!

Friday, 10/01/10
I went to Chase Bank on Napier in Benton Harbor today about 10:30 AM.  That is where my "vacation bank account" is.  Oh   my   gosh!!    I got the last parking space in the lot.  When I came out, I couldn't exit back the way I came in, because vehicles were lined up in the lot.  I had to go around through the drive through area.  It was packed.  I was sitting there, thinking how stupid this was, having to wait my turn when I all I wanted to do was exit, when I realized that one of the drive through lanes was not "open" for business.  Therefore, it was empty and there was no line.  I squeezed past a couple of vehicles and exited through there!!
Then I went to BTCU to get another Visa travel money card.  That took forever.  The lady had to reset her password before she could finally get into the site.  She told me that they had a list of countries where BTCU Visa cards would not work, and Spain was on the list.  So I don't know if this is because of the Spanish banking system or the number of cards that are stolen there, or some other bizarre reason.  The ladies at my fellowship group last night had never heard of a Visa card that wasn't good in Europe.
Then I headed to Walmart and Staples to pick up some things for the Library.  I knew that I couldn't get all of this banking stuff done before work, so I went to work, got the list of stuff we needed in town and then headed in.  I figured if I didn't charge them mileage for the trip, then they could give me the time for the bank, being I was picking up library supplies, too.
I was thinking of who knows what and drove right by the mall entrance on Napier.  So I thought, "Oh, I'll just turn at Chase Bank and cut back across to Walmart that way."  Oh    my     gosh!!    This time the vehicles were lined up IN the STREET.  There was someone coming from the south who was half turned into the parking lot, but couldn't complete the turn because the cars were backed up out of the lot.  I just wanted to go straight down the road, so I carefully squeezed by the cars lined up on the right side and the guy who was half turned had to back up to let me pass, because he was blocking a public street!!  Good grief.  Who knew that Chase Bank was sooooo busy.  I think they need 1) a much larger parking lot or 2) another branch nearby!!
I buzzed into Staples and Walmart and got what we needed.  That was easy compared to visiting the bank!!
I am exhausted and it isn't even lunch time!!
Oh, I started the morning by going to the chiropractor in Cassopolis and then back home.  Vivian picked me up at home and drove me to pick up my car at the garage.  Thank Heaven that my BTCU visa works in DOWAGIAC!! 

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